Research Lab

You want to better understand your target groups, reach them effectively and stimulate sustainable behavior change?

To complement pure research and studies, we work with practice partners on specific issues and for this purpose we have created the BECAUSE research lab. We support you with services in applied research, consulting and process guidance. We combine methods from psychology and economics. We develop our solutions from the perspective of your target group. Society as a whole as well as the individual can benefit from this. Our approach is modular and adapts to your problem and available resources.

We are your experts in Behavior Change and Social Marketing and look forward to hearing from you.

Scientific recommendations and empirical studies

Do you need a decision-making foundation that is based on sound and scientific recommendations?

We provide you with the current state of research and conduct qualitative and quantitative studies.

Target group analysis

Would you like to better understand your target group?

We analyze attitudes, values and needs from the perspective of the target group.

Behavioral and context analyses

Do you need a basis to prompt effective measures for behavioral change?

We examine the background and conditions why your target group behaves in a certain way.

Training in Behavior Change

Would you like to expand your expertise in Social Marketing, Behavior Change and relevant research methods?

We offer a training module, workshop or presentation tailored to you and your organization

Academic Partnership

Can your project benefit from our Social Marketing and Behavior Change approach?

Our experts are glad to discuss potential collaborations. We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Approach

  • consists of five sequential steps and is modular
  • adapts to your problem and resources

Our Approach assists

  • in the precise definition of the target group and the behavior to be changed
  • the diagnosis of the motivations and conditions that hinder (barriers) or promote (benefits) the behavior
  • the design and testing of measures that reduce barriers and increase benefits
  • thus prompting behavior change; and the implementation and evaluation of the measures in practice

By taking a systematic approach, we can ensure that the measures address where the problem lies, effectively prompting behavior change.

The focus of our work lies on the topics health, environment and risk prevention.